Jiu-Jitsu is a Univese of Its Own
For those who have experienced Jiu-Jitsu for an extended period of time, than you know Jiu-Jitsu is big. It is really big. The ever expanding vastness of applicable techniques are ever growing and sometime it feels like there are just not enough time for the average practitioner to study the art of Jiu-Jitsu in its modern form. One position such as a stand half guard can have so many details within it that it can bog down a person's motivation and frustrate them. However, the good news is that no one can learn everything. In fact just like how only 10% of what you read will get absorbed to memory the first time, Jiu-Jitsu functions very similary. Most people do not remember the vast details of every technique they have been taught. What they do is often mix and match the techniques and tools that work for their body type and rep and drill them on the mat, until their weapons are sharp and applications for it well known.
At Buffalo Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu we take the time to drill and perfect our techniques. We do not rush through ten techniques in a thirty minute span, so that the practitioner only retains 10% of what they have been shown. Concepts and theory are presented coherently so that everyone can understand and drill their technique multiple times until it is committed to muscle memory. That is how Buffalo Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy and other successful schools build solid foundations of martial artists
Confidence is Built on Repetition and Open-mindedness
Confidence can not be taught in a book. It can not be summoned from within for a substantial period of time, and it can not be built on little effort. Confidence comes from repetition and self-motivation. The first time on a Jiu-Jitsu mat can feel like you have been left in open waters without any knowledge of how to swim. The good news is people at Buffalo BJJ are here to teach you how to float and then eventually how to swim effectively. Jiu-Jitsu requires diligent practice and open mindedness to build confidence. Like navigating the jungle with a machete, you must constantly clear the brush from in front of you. The more you go through the path the clearer things become. It is not always easy going, but when the path becomes clear, than you can begin to see Jiu-Jitsu for what it really is. So when your in the darkness of the canopy, keep on moving until you build your path. Confidence is knowing that you can handle yourself even in unfamiliar territory. However , you can not understand this until are willing to jump into open waters.
Building Your Confidence in Martial Arts Begins Today
If you or your kids have ever thought about training Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Judo, self defense, Kids Martial Arts ,or MMA , than feel confident in knowing that at Buffalo BJJ Academy, we our dedicated to help you progress in your goals quickly, but with high regards towards the competency of your instruction. Try martial arts in Buffalo, NY for 30 Days Free at www.BuffaloMMAFitness.com !